Files in the latest check-in for branch trunk and within directory /tests
sorted by filename-
tDOM2024-10-31 10:26:46
- tests3.6 days
- all-bench.tcl6.65 years
- all.tcl1.64 years
- attribute.test20.88 years
- cdata.test21.12 years
- comment.test9.95 years
- data251.4 days
- books.xml22.67 years
- domCmd1.dtd21.62 years
- domCmd2.dtd21.62 years
- dtd-5.1.dtd22.46 years
- dtd-5.2.dtd22.46 years
- dtd-6.1.dtd22.46 years
- dtd-6.2.dtd22.46 years
- dtd-6.3.dtd22.46 years
- dtd-6.4.dtd22.46 years
- dtd-6.5.dtd22.46 years
- dtd-6.6.dtd22.46 years
- htmlmathml.json251.4 days
- i18n_1.xml22.67 years
- i18n_2.xml21.99 years
- mondial-europe.xml21.62 years
- REC-xslt-19991116-mod.xml5.65 years
- REC-xslt-19991116.xml5.72 years
- xmlspec-v20.dtd6.61 years
- xslt_1.xsl22.67 years
- decls.test22.24 years
- doctype.test22.26 years
- dom.bench7.22 years
- dom.test68.8 days
- domDoc.test68.8 days
- domjson.test3.6 days
- domnamespace.test6.04 years
- domNode.bench10.83 years
- domNode.test54.5 days
- element.test19.82 years
- entity.test4.33 years
- html5reader.test182.4 days
- htmlreader.test120.5 days
- i18n.test2.36 years
- JSONTestSuite.tcl7.28 years
- loadtdom.tcl31.0 days
- namespace.test4.33 years
- OASIS-suite.tcl5.98 years
- parser.test55.5 days
- pcdata.test9.95 years
- pi.test9.58 years
- pullparser.test29.5 days
- pushpull.bench6.29 years
- schema.test1.76 years
- stackedhdl.test9.95 years
- tdomcmd.bench6.61 years
- tdomcmd.test55.5 days
- xmlsimple.test182.4 days
- xmltest.test22.26 years
- xpath.bench5.29 years
- xpath.test1.48 years
- xslt.test5.31 years