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50 most recent check-ins
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22:31 | Some documentation improvements. Leaf check-in: 3f550753d8 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
17:14 | Made code base C23 compliant. check-in: 2db2c39167 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
17:10 | Again more variable renames because of clashes with new C23 keywords. Closed-Leaf check-in: 7c9109a481 user: rolf tags: c23 | |
17:08 | More variable renames because of clashes with new C23 keywords. check-in: 14eb61f9d4 user: rolf tags: c23 | |
17:04 | Resolved more variable name clashes with new C23 keywords. check-in: ee17fba931 user: rolf tags: c23 | |
16:57 | Merged from trunk (started branch not from trunk tip by mistake). check-in: cf04bc2b8d user: rolf tags: c23 | |
16:54 | Fixed clashes of variable names with new C23 keywords. check-in: 765ee3d90f user: rolf tags: c23 | |
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01:37 | Added the node creation command flag -notempty also to tdom::fsnewNode. check-in: c7c21fe726 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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01:11 | Datatype fix. check-in: 34a1770cf6 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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13:17 | Disable another test by default because it works with large data. check-in: f7c09e580b user: rolf tags: trunk | |
00:53 | Disable tests by default which use huge amounts of memory. check-in: 30670b161a user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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22:50 | Added a so far missing data file for a test. check-in: 1aa7a950c6 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
22:30 | Pacify a (pointless) compiler warning. check-in: d7e845b5af user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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13:54 | Modified the sample xslt.tcl script to use -channel in in- and output. This enables to transform xml and/or xslt files bigger than 2 GByte (or if the result XML is bigger than that) even with tcl 8.6 and reduces the memory need of the process by some percent because this doesn't need to keep the input and output data in memory beside the inevitable DOM trees. check-in: 05f935218b user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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23:34 | Bumpt to the next release version (not to be released in short time). check-in: 9d51630953 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
22:31 | Typo fix. check-in: 29b977cadc user: rolf tags: trunk | |
22:30 | Added the "virtual" JSON type BOOLEAN for text nodes. check-in: 8a8dee52e5 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
22:25 | Merged from trunk. Closed-Leaf check-in: 5768bc4e95 user: rolf tags: jsonbool | |
22:04 | Added a few tests. check-in: 87ad52127a user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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00:29 | Fixed the implementation, added documentation and a few tests. check-in: 92387c974a user: rolf tags: jsonbool | |
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00:06 | Fixed the expat SAX interface (commands expat,xml:parser) method parsechannel: if the input channel is encoded utf-8 then the expat utf-8 decoder is used witch at least ensures parsing and pass-throu. check-in: 5ec5a96d8e user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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23:08 | Maybe a virtual boolean json type for text nodes would be useful. check-in: f110413856 user: rolf tags: jsonbool | |
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01:08 | Fix for the namespace axis: resolve the prefix with the context node, not with the XPath expression context node. With may make a difference in case of xslt. check-in: ddbcc3c8c8 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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00:04 | Plugged potentially memory leaks. Code clean-up. check-in: 1de4b995f6 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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22:40 | Added the flag -notempty to dom createNodeCmd. If this flag is used the element will only appear in the tree if it is not empty. check-in: 971050ce5a user: rolf tags: trunk | |
22:35 | Added minimal documentation. Closed-Leaf check-in: 7ee053934d user: rolf tags: fsnotempty | |
21:38 | Merged from trunk. check-in: 494203e855 user: rolf tags: fsnotempty | |
00:57 | Documented the lately added dom featureinfo largedata option. check-in: a5fc26049b user: rolf tags: trunk | |
00:49 | Fixed driver script for the OASIS xslt test suite. Fixed a potential seg fault. check-in: 0615b5c057 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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01:43 | Added dom featureinfo largedata, returning a boolean. If the result is true then tdom is able to parse pcdata content of an element greater 2 GByte with the expat parser (which requires Tcl 9 and a 64-bit platform and depends on the platform and the build flags of the used expat library). If the result is false then an attempt to parse pcdata content of an element larger than 2 GByte will result in an error. check-in: dcb1e6b10e user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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16:36 | Plugged memory leak in case of XPath substring() call with invalid, special crafted third argument. check-in: 4b7845bf62 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
15:34 | Fixed error handling of invalid return of scripted XPath functions in case of bool result with invalid boolean value and in case of number result with not-a-number value. check-in: 38cd600963 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
11:14 | Merged from trunk. check-in: e61c54e17e user: rolf tags: fsnotempty | |
11:11 | Pacify scan-build warning. check-in: a0993eab80 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
10:51 | Plugged memory leak in case of selectNodes with -namespaces and -list and empty XPath expression list. Plugged memory leaks in error case of selectNodes with -namespaces and -list (XPath expression list argument is not a proper Tcl list or one of the XPath expressions in the list is invalid). check-in: c0d9083f94 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
09:59 | Plugged memory leak in case of invalid value to the selectNodes -cache option if the -namespaces option was given before. check-in: c35d3e9b52 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
01:31 | Pacified a few scan-build warnings while fixing a few bugs revealed by the tool. check-in: 9bbbe3a038 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
00:24 | Plugged memory leak in case of invalid entity in attribute value. check-in: f067f0530b user: rolf tags: trunk | |
00:21 | The entity translator of the simple XML parser was too forgiving; fixed. check-in: 19c94e2802 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
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12:53 | Pacify a (by gcc 13.0) hallucinated compiler warning. check-in: 8411567b5f user: rolf tags: trunk | |
11:24 | Added a few tests. check-in: 3a5260d929 user: rolf tags: fsnotempty | |
02:00 | Started nodecmds which inserts a node only, if it has content. check-in: 5093812b77 user: rolf tags: fsnotempty | |
00:31 | Added a way to create XML namespaced attributes in *FromScripts. check-in: 94aade4ec1 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
00:14 | Merged from trunk. Closed-Leaf check-in: f8172d3ff9 user: rolf tags: fsatts | |
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23:56 | Improved configure/build with system expat. check-in: e8c6063a7c user: rolf tags: trunk | |
01:19 | Two documentation typo fixes. check-in: da014cc2f1 user: rolf tags: trunk | |
01:13 | Even on windows someone may not use the included expat version. Closed-Leaf check-in: 4e5734fa27 user: rolf tags: systemexpat | |
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00:02 | Check for entropy soures and other flags for the build of the bundled expat only if the bundled expat is used. In case an extenal expat library is requested, check the version of the library and other capabilities determining build options. check-in: 76c42127d1 user: rolf tags: systemexpat | |
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22:09 | Moved the "check which expat to use" part nearer to end of configure so that it stands out more. We want to check for linking. Better return codes. check-in: 6572a3a633 user: rolf tags: systemexpat | |
00:50 | Merged from test. check-in: 31e3014be6 user: rolf tags: systemexpat | |