2025-03-28 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.7.1.
2025-03-22 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added a way to create XML namespaced attributes in
2025-03-21 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.7.0.
2025-01-22 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the "virtual" JSON type BOOLEAN for text nodes. If the
text node value is a boolean in the sense of Tcl then the node
serialize to the approprate JSON type. Otherwise it will be a
JSON string.
2025-01-15 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the flag -notempty to dom createNodeCmd. If this flag is
used the element will only appear in the tree if it is not
2024-12-13 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the dom command method jsonEscape which escapes the
string argument for literally use in a JSON string.
2024-11-09 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.6.4.
--- Release 0.9.5, 13. Oct 2024 ---
2024-09-27 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the asTypedList method to the domDoc and domNode
Added the createFromTypedList method to the dom command.
2024-09-23 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.6.3.
2024-09-08 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the flag -keepTextStart to the expat command.
2024-08-31 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Text node commands created by createNodeCmd of the json type
NULL, TRUE or FALSE may be called without argument.
2024-08-26 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Changed the error messages of the dom, domDoc and domNode
commands to mostly confirm to ususal Tcl behaviour.
2024-08-14 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the asTclValue method to the domDoc and domNode
--- Release 0.9.4, 26. Jul 2024 ---
2024-07-02 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the isHTML5CustomName method to the dom command. The
simple HTML reader now accept HTML5 custom element names.
2024-06-26 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Enhanced the set of recognised entities to HTML 5.
2024-06-01 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added an optional replacement string argument to the -replace option of
the dom command method clearString.
2024-06-01 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the -fastcall option to the expat SAX parser.
2024-05-17 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.6.2.
2024-05-09 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the -list option to the selectNodes method (cascading
XPath expressions).
2023-12-29 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.5.0.
2023-11-14 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Made tDOM work with Tcl 9.
2023-09-28 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.4.9.
2023-05-09 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
The XPath functions floor, ceiling and round now return an
integer (up to size long). Up to now they appended a .0. It's
the right thing but it is a user visible change.
2023-03-25 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the option -replace to the dom command method
2022-09-11 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the node command method getByteIndex. Added the
submethod byteIndex to the info method of the schema commands.
2022-08-27 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the method asCanonicalXML to the domDoc and domNode
commands. Added the options -escapeCR and -escapeTab to the
method asXML of the domDoc and domNode commands.
--- Release 0.9.3, 8. Aug. 2022 ---
2022-06-03 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added commands tdom::fsnewNode and tdom::fsinsertNode.
2022-05-14 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.4.8.
2022-04-17 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added option -forest to dom parse.
2022-03-19 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Schema command methods validate, validatefile and
validatechannel enhanced with options to control external
entity resolving.
2022-02-19 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the options
-billionLaughsAttackProtectionMaximumAmplification and
-billionLaughsAttackProtectionActivationThreshold to dom parse
and the by the xml::parser/expat command created parser
2022-02-14 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.4.4.
2021-06-02 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.3.0.
2021-01-22 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Pull-parser command find-element enhanced - skip forward
not only to a specific element but to the first out of a list
of elements.
2020-12-28 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.2.10.
--- Release 0.9.2, 27. Aug. 2020 ---
2020-08-21 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added tdom::schema command.
2020-08-21 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added -onlyContents and -breakLines to asHTML.
2020-08-17 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated TEA.
2020-07-23 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added -indent value "tab" to asXML and asJSON.
2020-07-03 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
User configurable separator character between namespace URI
and local name for XML namespace-aware SAX parser: Added the
option -namespaceseparator to the expat command.
2020-05-14 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added method clearString to the dom command.
2019-12-31 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.2.9.
2018-10-12 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.2.6.
2018-08-08 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Changed the license to MPL 2.0.
--- Release 0.9.1, 24. Jul. 2018 ---
2018-07-16 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
The package name is tDOM, but it always has been requested by
[package require tdom] and now the scripted helper commands in
tdom.tcl are also in the namespace tdom (not anymore in tDOM).
The new pullparser command is now also in this namespace.
There are aliases from the old command names to the new one,
so there must be nothing done; old scripts will run as they
did. It's just, that you in new code don't have to write
serveral upcase letters in a row because of tDOM.
2018-07-14 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.2.5. Expat now want to use a "good" entropy
source to salt internal hash table (to reduce the possibility
of DoS attacts with malicious XML input). Configure tries to
figure out automatically the most appropriate entropy source
on your platform. The new configure switch --with-entropy
gives control over that. The configure switch
--without-entropy disables all this; expat (and in turn tDOM)
will use what was used in earlier expat versions.
2018-07-12 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated TEA.
2018-05-17 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added new method attributeNames to domNode (cmds).
2018-05-10 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added new methods line and column to most pull parser states.
2018-05-04 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
More fine grain control about serialization details: new asXML
options -nogtescape and -noEmptyElementTag.
2018-04-24 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Fixed a potentially dramatic speed problem in case of certain
classes of XPath expressions if a threads enabled tDOM is
used, the result set is large and the DOM tree to query was
altered somewhere before the query by an operation, which
appended, inserted or replaced a node.
2018-03-09 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added command tDOM::pullparser, with creates simple XML "pull"
parser commands. This commands parse XML input and stop at
certain points ("events"). You continue parsing at your will.
2018-03-06 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Fixed a potentially dramatic speed problem, if the expat
parser is used w/ "Welch dispatch" with any 8.6 version. The
core changed behaviour, we had to adapt.
Added method "delete" to the [expat] push parser (as an alias
to the still there "free").
2018-02-14 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added [dom featureinfo versionhash], which returns the fossil
repository version hash of the sources build from.
2018-02-03 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
In a bunch of spell fixes a few changes (partly even marginal,
e.g. during configuration) in error messages for uniformly
usage of names.
2017-11-07 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
New flag -keepCDATA for [dom parse ...].
--- Release 0.9.0, 24. Aug. 2017 ---
2017-08-21 Ashok Nadkarni
Windows build system (VC and mingw) modernised.
2017-08-17 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
New feature "creating real FQ nodes with *fromScript methods",
by adding option -namespace to [dom createNodeCmd].
2017-08-14 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated TEA.
2017-07-29 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Removed hacky check on [load] time if the tclsh and tDOM are
build with incompatible TCL_UTF_MAX (because it did not work
anymore with recent tcl because of changes in core).
2017-07-28 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added JSON support. New -json option to [dom parse]. New doc
method asJSON. New node method jsonType. New option -jsonType
of [dom createNodeCmd]. New option -tagName of [dom
createNodeCmd]. New option -jsonType to dom method
2017-04-06 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added HTM5 parser (new -html5 option to [dom parse]). Requires
gumbo lib and must be enabled at configure time.
2016-10-01 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to expat 2.2.0.
2015-09-11 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added options -xmlDeclaration and -encString to the asXML
method of the domDoc and domNode commands.
2015-04-11 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Changed behavior wrt to result code of a called
-xsltmessagecmd script. Up to now, the result code of that
script evaluation was ignored. Now, any other return code of
that script then TCL_OK terminates the xslt transformation and
returns error. Purposeful termination may be signaled with
return -code break, for which the error message will be empty.
2015-04-01 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added new expat parser cmd method currentmarkup.
2015-03-26 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added option -indentAttrs to the domDoc/domNode method
asXML. Thanks goes to evilotto.
2014-10-16 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added configure option --with-expat, to build and link against
the system or a custom expat lib. Default is, to use the
included sources.
2014-01-01 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Rework so some basic internals, for (even) more efficiency of
token mode.
2013-12-24 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Improved handling of characters beyond BMP.
2013-12-20 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added option -feedbackcmd to the dom parse method. This option
allows to specify a script, which will be called as feedback
command. For backward compatibility, if no -feedbackcmd is
given, but there is a tcl proc named ::dom::domParseFeedback
then this proc is used as -feedbackcmd. If there isn't such a
proc and -feedbackAfter is used, it is an error to not also
use -feedbackcmd. A return -code break from the -feedbackcmd
causes the parser to almost immediately abort parsing and let
the [dom parse] call return the empty string (instead of a
document) without raising error.
For expat parser objects: If a handler script returns -code
return, then parsing is aborted, but no error is raised.
2013-12-04 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
tDOM now cross-compiles on linux for windows (w32/w64) with
2013-09-26 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added dom method featureinfo.
2013-08-31 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Raised the limit of maximum number of different XML
namespaceses within one DOM tree to 2^31. New configure switch
--enable-lessns restores old code.
2013-07-21 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated TEA build system of tdom itself and the extensions.
2013-05-16 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Update to expat 2.1.0.
--- Release 0.8.2, 15. Aug. 2007 --- See ChangeLog for details ---
2007-08-11 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Now tcldomsh will source ~/.tcldomshrc at start up.
2007-08-05 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
In case of asXML with indentation: indent XML comments as
Added method deleteXPathCache: basic control over the xpath
expression cache.
Variable references in XPath queries (at the places allowed by
the XPath syntax) will now be resoved as Tcl variables,
relative to the scope of the expression. Ignoring the XPath
syntax rules at this point, any valid Tcl variable name will
2007-07-31 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Update to expat 2.0.1.
2007-07-27 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated to TEA 3.6.
2007-07-25 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Fix for the -externalentitycommand problems on (some) 64-bit
2006-11-22 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Normalize case of attribute also (not only elements).
2006-08-26 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Updated the TEA build system to 3.5, to fix build problems
with newer bash shells.
2005-03-18 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the 'selectNodesNamespace' to documents, to provide a
global XPath prefix / namespace mapping. See the user
documentation for details.
2005-01-07 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Improved VC++ compiler makefile. Thanks to Pat Thoyts for
2005-01-06 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the methods 'transform' and 'delete' to xsltCmds.
2004-09-21 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the '-namespaces' option to the selectNodes
method. Not resolved namespace prefixes within the xpath
expression now raises an error.
2004-08-20 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.pointsman.de>
Update to expat 1.95.8.
2004-08-19 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Made tDOM work out of the box on 64-bit systems like Itanium 2
(again) (though --disable-tdomalloc configure option at build
time is still needed).
--- Release 0.8.0, 11. Aug. 2004 --- See ChangeLog for details ---
2004-07-27 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.pointsman.de>
New method createDocumentNode.
Added methods nodeType, getElementById, firstChild, lastChild,
appendChild, removeChild, hasChildNodes, childNodes,
ownerDocument, insertBefore, replaceChild, appendFromList,
appendXML, selectNodes, baseURI, appendFromScript and
insertBeforeFromScript to dom docs. Beside other things, this
allows much easier handling of top level nodes. The result
tree may not be an XML document, but a general parsed entity.
New (experimental) method setObjectCommands.
2004-05-26 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added isPIName, isComment, isCDATA and isPIValue method to the
dom command. Created new global (thread wide) flags for name
and value checks (Names and FQ Names (element, attribute and
processing instruction names), text nodes, comments, CDATA
sections and processing instruction values). New methods
setNameCheck and setTextCheck to control this flags.
2003-12-17 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added baseURI method, which returns the current base URI and
has an optional argument to set the base URI. (The getBaseURI
is deprecated.)
2003-12-11 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Bug fix: Don't quash white space of non white space only
content in trim mode.
2003-11-24 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added domDoc methods omit-xml-declaration, indent, standalone,
encoding and mediaType.
2003-10-23 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Update to expat 1.95.7.
2003-10-10 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added method normalize to domNode and domDoc commands.
2003-10-07 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added method insertBeforeFromScript to domNode commands.
2003-10-04 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added method asText to domDoc and domNode commands.
2003-09-22 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Enhanced insertBefore method: If the refNode argument of that
method is the empty string, the newNode argument will be
inserted at the end of the list of children of the node.
2003-09-17 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added the up to now missing implementation of expatObj method
cget. Thanks goes to Harry Moreau for his contribution.
2003-04-09 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added domDoc method toXSLTcmd, which converts the domDoc to an
XSLTcmd. This has no advantage over the current method in
one-shot cases (transformation of one XML document) but
improves the speed of batch processing of several XML
documents or server applications. The implementation was
already included in the 0.7.7 release, only the documentation
was not included in that release.
Added option -paramentityparsing to the dom parse method.
--- Release 0.7.7, 25. Mar. 2003 --- See ChangeLog for details ---
--- Release 0.7.6, 24. Mar. 2003 --- See ChangeLog for details ---
2003-03-19 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added option -useForeignDTD to dom parse and expat. Added
domNode method 'precedes', to compare the relative order of
two nodes out of the same document.
2003-02-22 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added posteriori (DOM) validation capabilities. See the tnc
man page for details.
2003-02-09 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Update to expat 1.95.6.
2003-02-09 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Added 'systemId' and 'publicId' methods to the domDoc
commands. Added flag -doctypeDeclaration to the asXML and
asHTML methods of the domDoc commands.
2003-01-29 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
Changed the escaping while serializing XML data: in the past
""" and "'" was escaped, now it isn't anymore. There isn't a
clear rule (to the best of my knowledge) in any of the related
specs about this, but now we do things almost along the lines,
as saxon (which I regard as the currently most 'rule-setting'
xslt processor) does it. In theory (from an XML viewpoint)
this should not make a difference, but if somebody postprocess
some tDOM output with other tools, there is a small risk, that
things (slightly) breaks, therefor:
2002-12-28 Rolf Ade <rolf@pointsman.de>
The xslt method now understands also the options
-ignoreUndeclaredParameters and -xsltmessagecmd.
--- Release 0.7.5, 27. Nov. 2002 --- See ChangeLog for details ---
2002-10-01 Zoran Vasiljevic <zoran@archiware.com>
The library file lib/tdomhtml.tcl is now moved to a separate
package in "extensions" directory. This is a simple, yet very
"clever" HTML generator, using advanced tdom HTML capabilities.
To use, please change to "extensions/tdomhtml" directory and
invoke "configure" followed by "make", followed by "make install".
Be sure, however, to build and install the tdom package first.