Ticket Hash: 0d5fa4ee6f3b13e0bd5ee8b7f1cd395a571f738c
Title: README, section "Getting the code"
Status: Closed Type: Documentation
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2020-07-23 11:05:23
Version Found In: Trunk
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2020-07-18 22:45:29:

First of all, I'd like to thank you for building this package.
I'm just starting in TCL and would like to use it for the first time.

In http://tdom.org/index.html/artifact/1b74b899ce95656b, it's said that the trunk branch should be used, but there''s no mention on how to use it, as there's no package for it in the downloads page. 
Do I need to clone the fossil project?  It'd be nice to show how just after  the previous advisement.

rolf added on 2020-07-23 01:57:38:
Thanks for bringing thät to my attention. tDOM is a matter package, no typical use will trigger a bug, by all means. So, if it isn't because of new feature you are fine with the latest release.

In the past we had a dozend or so years without official release. But with two releases within the last years and another upcomming end of summer of early in fall its now only an invitation, to use trunk. We aim to have a clean and working project trunkon of the project, unfinished development goes to branches.

I've added "live" links to the trunk source code in the README.

rolf added on 2020-07-23 11:05:23:
This should read: tDOM is a mature package.