Ticket Hash: 97c0994ae4aa90531b2929e2d64189ccaec444ff
Title: selectNodes -cache 1 and a syntactically incorrect xPath statement
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2017-06-16 00:37:05
Version Found In: head
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2017-06-15 16:37:17: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
with [selectNodes -cache 1], when a syntactically-invalid XPath expression is
used twice, no error is raised the second time, and an empty expression is used
by xPathEval.  Here is a patch:

Index: generic/domxpath.c
--- generic/domxpath.c
+++ generic/domxpath.c
@@ -5187,20 +5187,25 @@
     xpathResultSet nodeList;
     int            rc, hnew = 1, docOrder = 1;
     ast            t;
-    Tcl_HashEntry *h;
+    Tcl_HashEntry *h = NULL;
     *errMsg = NULL;
     if (cache) {
         h = Tcl_CreateHashEntry (cache, xpath, &hnew);
     if (hnew) {
         rc = xpathParse(xpath, exprContext, XPATH_EXPR, prefixMappings,
                         parseVarCB, &t, errMsg);
-        CHECK_RC;
+        if (rc) {
+            if (h != NULL) {
+                Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(h);
+            }
+            return rc;
+        }
         if (cache) {
             Tcl_SetHashValue(h, t);
     } else {
         t = (ast)Tcl_GetHashValue(h);


rolf added on 2017-06-16 00:36:27: (text/x-fossil-plain)
You're right. Fix applied. Thanks.